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Labor safet

Ensuring labor safety

How to ensure safe working conditions in construction: the company's experience

Labor protection is the most important part of the production process in LLP MegaStroyPlus, because where repair, construction and installation work is carried out, it is possible to ensure and maintain a high degree of safety by making a lot of effort. Work in the field of safety and labor protection in the organization is carried out by the service of safety and labor protection, environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as – SB and OT, OOS) in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23 , 2015 No. 414-V (as amended as of 01.01.2020), the rules and regulations on safety and labor protection in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2014 No. 188-V "On Civil Protection" (as amended as of 07.01.2020), the rules on industrial safety, the labor protection management system in MegaStroyPlus LLP (hereinafter referred to as the SUOT).

The SUOT is an integral part of the management system, defines a unified procedure for the preparation and implementation of decisions on the implementation of organizational, technical and sanitary-preventive measures aimed at ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. The SUOT provides for mandatory compliance by managers and all employees with the rules of safety and labor protection, commission and target inspections, execution of all types of instructions, training and admission of the employee to independent work.

The main tasks of SBandOT, OOS are:

  • - development of measures to create and ensure safe and healthy working conditions in the organization and the prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases;
  • - assistance in the development of regulatory documents in terms of compliance with occupational safety and health requirements (currently, 54 instructions have been developed and approved for all professions and certain types of work);
  • - organization and coordination of work in the structural divisions of the enterprise for the implementation of internal control on safety and labor protection, compliance by employees with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on safety and labor protection.

For 2020, the number of employees of MegaStroyPlus LLP is about 400 people, and all of them work in harmful conditions. Special working conditions are created for this category of workers. According to the requirements of the Order of the Minister of Health of the Acting Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2015 No. 128 "On Approval of the Rules for Mandatory Medical Examinations" (as amended as of 03.09.2018), annual medical examinations are conducted for employees working with harmful substances and in unfavorable industrial conditions. Also, all employees are given milk and soap at the expense of the employer.

The staff of the organization is provided with:

  • - special clothing, special shoes, according to the approved standards;
  • - personal protective equipment;

According to the SUOT, safety and labor protection control is carried out in the workshops at the first and second stage of control.

The first stage of control is carried out daily by the head of the site, a mechanic, a master, a technical inspector for labor protection.

The second stage of control is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule for the shop, once a month at each site together with the head of the shop, deputy head of the shop, mechanic, foreman.

The third stage of control is carried out by Permanent and fire-technical commissions according to the approved schedule.

The work of the engineers of the BiOT service, OOS is planned and includes:

  • - the safety training sessions,
  • - participation in the commissions for the examination of knowledge workers and specialists for admission to independent work,
  • - conducting lessons,
  • - control over the work carried out at high risk, for the safe operation of technological equipment,
  • - verification of the implementation of measures and instructions for OT and TB,
  • - targeted inspections of fixed facilities,
  • - preventive conversations, consultations,
  • - coordination of technical solutions, work permits,
  • - accident investigation,
  • - conducting certification of workplaces together with other services.

Due to the task set in the organization –compliance with international labor safety requirements, employees of the BandOT, OOS services have completed training courses on the international management system and have certificates:

  • - Occupational Safety and Health Management. OHSAS18001-2007 "Training of internal auditors of ISM"; are internal auditors of the enterprise.
  • - This experience is successfully applied when passing the international certification for compliance with the above standards by MegaStroyPlus LLC.
  • - Since 2017, the organization has received international certificates and annually confirms compliance with the integrated management system standards.

One of the main indicators of ensuring occupational safety and health in LLP MegaStroyPlus is the reduction to the minimum value of the number of accidents. In order to increase the effectiveness of preventing accidents and occupational injuries of employees at the enterprise, the specialists of the OTandTB service identified and assessed hazards, and developed measures to reduce significant risks.

In April 2019, the company carried out the regular certification of production facilities for working conditions. On attestation results produced hygienic assessment of existing jobs and the nature of work, assessment of workplace injury prevention and provision of personnel with personal protective equipment. In accordance with the actual condition, all types of benefits and compensations for working in harmful, dangerous and difficult working conditions are determined for the facilities.

In order to create healthy and safe working conditions in the workplace, LLP MegaStroyPlus annually develops and implements events for occupational safety and health aimed at preventing injuries and accidents, preventing morbidity at work, and improving working conditions.

Consider, for example, the procedure for conducting an introductory briefing. In 2019, the specialists of the BandOT, OOS services conducted an introductory briefing with 45 newly admitted employees, as well as with 139 representatives of third-party organizations. In total, 184 people passed the introductory training in 2019.

The company also carried out the following events aimed at preventing injuries and accidents:

Purchased security equipment against falling from a height:

  • - safety leashes
  • - safety slings with shock absorbers of the jerk
  • - anchor loops
  • - the retractor type device

Machines for processing reinforcing steel were also purchased and put into operation.

In addition, hazardous production facilities of the enterprise, the performance of work on which requires compliance with clear safety and labor protection requirements, the use of necessary protective equipment, are marked with safety signs. At the sites there are stands with safety signs on them. This allows the company's employees to freely study and comply with safety requirements in the workplace.

Much attention is paid to the promotion of safe working conditions. At installations, sites, and repair groups, there are illustrated stands dedicated to meeting the requirements for compliance with safety and labor protection.

The most important thing in our work is to train people in safe working methods, and thus prevent violations of safety regulations in the production of work.